Workshop Topics
Click the title to be taken to a description of the topic.
Businesses and Organizations
- You Are Not the Target--Dealing With Upset, Angry People
- Using Conflict to Improve the Organization--Conflict Resolution for Groups
- Change and Growth
- Personal Anger Management
- Motivating Change
- The Perfect Organization-And Other Fairy Tales
- Strategic Planning Workshop
- Facilitator Skills Training
- Active Listening Skills
- Assertiveness Skills
Relationships and Communication
- Using Conflict to Improve Relationships
- How to Talk So Your Partner Will Listen...
- Creative Problem-Solving for Couples
- You Can Be Assertive and Caring!
- You Are Not the Target - Coping with Anger in Relationships
- Interviewing for Change
Personal Growth
- How to Talk So Kids Will Listen-And Listen So Kids Will Talk
- It's Okay to Be Mad
- People Aren't for Hitting
- The C-word-Consistency
- The Parental Juggling Act - Teaching Values
- Family Meetings
- Sibling Rivalry
- Children and Chores - A Contradiction?
- Taming the "Gimmee's"
- Talking about Sex and Other Sensitive Issues
- Parenting through Family Crisis
- Step, Blended, and Other Non-Traditional Families, or "You're Not My Real Parent!"
- Being in Control Without Being Controlling
- Anger is Not a Four-Letter Word
- When Do Parents Get Their Summer Break?
- Planning a Vacation That Really Is a Vacation.
- Taming the Holiday Monster

Businesses and Organizations
You Are Not the Target--Dealing With Upset, Angry PeopleDealing with upset or angry people. Techniques to defuse anger situations and move toward creative problem solving.
Using Conflict to Improve the Organization--Conflict Resolution for Groups
A climate of respect for disagreements leads to a wider range of creative solutions to problems. If everyone wins, everyone has a stake in making the solution work. Learn to discuss issues in ways that respect the ideas and concerns of all those involved, even when participants have widely differing wants and needs.
Change is inevitable; how you deal with it can make it a positive or negative experience. Learn a process for working through problems that supports growth and broadens the field of possible solutions.
What to do when your own anger gets in the way of what you want to accomplish.
Listening for the real problem that blocks changing behavior. Overcoming resistance to change.
The Perfect Organization-And Other Fairy Tales
Tips for getting more of what you really want out of any group situation.
A systematic process for group participation in the planning process.
Leading meetings and groups has its own set of challenges. This workshop will provide tools for leaders that increase group productivity and deal with difficult situations in groups.
Cut through the noise to hear the real message. Paraphrasing, empathy, clarifying questions, creative curiosity.
Let others know what you think and what you want in ways that invite and encourage listening and cooperation.
Relationships and Communication
Using Conflict to Improve RelationshipsFacing and working through conflict can actually make your relationship stronger. Skills to make it work.
How to Talk So Your Partner Will Listen...
You'd really like him/her to attend some parenting or communication classes so you could do things differently together...but time or circumstances don't permit. So what can you do? There are ways to discuss and/or bring about change beginning with only one of you.
Creative Problem-Solving for Couples
Learn to discuss sensitive issues with your partner in ways that respect the feelings and concerns of each, and enhance the relationship. Find solutions to problems that meet the needs of all concerned.
You Can Be Assertive and Caring!
Learn assertiveness skills that respect the other person and enhance the relationship. You can be assertive and still be caring.
Dealing with upset or angry people. Techniques to defuse anger situations and move toward healing and problem solving.
Listening for the real problem that blocks changing behavior. Overcoming resistance.
Personal Growth
Family of Origin -- Still With You!Using a combination of information and discussion, we will explore how the patterns from childhood affect our adult lives.
The Perfect Holiday-And Other Fairy Tales
Tips for getting more of what you really want out of the holiday season.
Problems are opportunities to learn and grow. Learn a process for working through problems that supports growth and broadens the field of possible solutions.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen-And Listen So Kids Will TalkWe want to listen to our children and foster their independence, yet we also need to set rules and limits. We'll discuss practical ways we can teach children to respect limits, while we encourage equality and cooperation in our families. Based on the book by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.
How to keep your cool when your kids are losing theirs. Helping kids deal with their anger in positive ways.
Teaching kids alternatives to hitting, or hitting back.
What's the difference between consistent and rigid? Can we ever change our minds? What happens when parents have different parenting styles?
We teach our children values even if we never talk about them. What values do we want to give our children and how do we do that? What's normal in the moral development of children?
Deciding whether they are for you. How to get started. What works and what doesn't.
How to survive it, and foster better family relationships.
Children and Chores - A Contradiction?
Should kids do chores? What chores are appropriate at various ages? How to begin, or revitalize, chores at your house.
During the holidays or any time of year, children often want things they can't have. How can we set realistic limits?
Talking about Sex and Other Sensitive Issues
How can we keep the lines of communication open in this most challenging area?
Parenting through Family Crisis
How can we help our children cope with crisis, when we ourselves are at the end of our rope?
Step, Blended, and Other Non-traditional Families, or "You're Not My Real Parent!"
Non-traditional family arrangements give rise to a whole new set of problems in parenting. How can we help our children and ourselves deal with new family situations. Learn what works and what doesn't, and how to make changes less stressful for the kids as well as for yourself.
Being in Control Without Being Controlling
Listening to our children and encouraging their independence doesn't mean we give up our parental authority. We'll discuss practical ways we can be in control, yet still encourage equality and cooperation in our families.
Anger is Not a Four-Letter Word
Dealing with children's anger is more difficult when parents themselves are angry. We'll talk about practical ways to handle our own anger as well as help our children with theirs.
When Do Parents Get Their Summer Break?
Some planning and preparation now can help make the summer break more relaxed for everyone.
Planning a vacation that really is a vacation.
How to involve the whole family and plan a vacation that is a change of pace and fun for all.
Making the holidays less materialistic, and more joyful and memorable for everyone in the family.
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